BAGE (digital ISSN: 2605-3322) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published since 1984 by the Spanish Association of Geography (AGE). Its full name is Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. It is published quarterly online, including miscellaneous and special issues, with papers in Spanish and English.

The journal aims to drive the advancement of the field of Geography at a national and international level by publishing research done by geographers (including researchers and professionals), but also by other social and environmental scientists interested in territorial processes at any scale.

BAGE is included in the JCR of Clarivate (Web of Science), in Scopus, and it has the quality certification from FECYT. More information about our indexation available here.

BAGE believes in the importance of open access to science and publishes all papers with an Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Creative Commons license. Likewise, gender equality and transparency are two core values of our editorial process. BAGE suscribes COPE Ethical guidelines to evaluate and solve issues regarding the editing, the evaluation and the publication of articles.


  • Open call for editorial team to coordinate the monographic issue BAGE No. 107, which will be published in December 2025. (Spanish/English)
  • Open call for article submissions for the special issue BAGE n. 103, "Rural depopulation in the context of rural shrinking: a multidimensional perspective" to be published on December 2024 (español/English) (open).
  • We have updated our publication guidelines to reflect the 7th edition of the APA style, which includes a dedicated section to the citation of electronic resources.
  • BAGE is still in Q1, in the Geography category of Dialnet ranking, with an impact of  0.884, and a relative position of 6/41.
  • BAGE has reached the position 176/1199 (Q1) with a score of 23,457 in the recently published ránking of REDIB 2020, improving its score from the year 2019 (373/1160, 16.804, Q1).
  • BAGE has achieved its best ranking ever in the JIF2020 with 1.182 (0.684 in the 2019 edition) in the Geography category: #75/85 (Q4, percentile 12.35) and has entered Q3 for the first time in the new ranking by Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): #101/160 (Q3, percentile 37.19).
  • BAGE is in Q2 for Scopus CiteScore 2020, improving its ranking. The journal is now evaluated in three other categories, apart from Geography, Planning and Development: Urban Studies, Environmental Science, and Earth-Surface Processes.
  • BAGE has improved its position in the 2020 SJR ranking elaborated by SCImago and is now in Q2. It is now second in the category Geography, Planning and Development (0.267) for Spanish journals.
  • BAGE has renovated its FECYT's editorial quality stamp. It is on the first place in the category Geography (Q1, 94.07, 2021 ranking).
  • The most downloaded article in 2020 has been “The Catalonia/Spain conflict: a review from Geography”, available here.