Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper has not been published in another journal or is not in the process of evaluation (in case it has, a justification is offered in the field “Comments for the Editor”.
  • It is a docx file and has been produced using the template for papers.
  • Whenever possible, references will include a doi or URL.
  • All figures and tables are placed within the text (not at the end) and have a corresponding title and source.
  • The text follows the style and formatting guidelines indicated in the Guidelines for authors.
  • Scientific papers submitted to a blind peer-review section ensure the anonymity of the author(s) following these instructions.
  • References are edited following the 7th edition of the APA style
  • In the corresponding sections, the author(s) specify all the sources of funding, any existing or potential conflict of interest, as well as the specific contribution of each author to the paper.
  • Authors confirm having read the information regarding the publication fee included in the Guidelines for authors. Papers published in the Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles will be free of charge for those who, at the moment of submission, have already been members of the Spanish Association of Geography for at least a year. Otherwise, a publication fee of 544,5 € (taxes included)must be paid per paper, which will help cover the costs of running the journal.

Papers can only be submitted on-line, using this link. Authors must have an account in our website.

Papers must be submitted using this template.

In order to ensure the anonymity of the paper, do not include any personal information about the author(s), their contact information or the funding in your manuscript. All this data can be submitted through the website. Papers that contain personal data of the authors will be rejected.

If you experience any trouble during your submission, please, contact the Editor’s Assistant, Amaranta Heredia, at bage@age-geografia.es



The title should be concise, relevant and clear. It should not be too generic or too similar to the titles of other published papers. It should never be longer than 150 characters. If a subtitle is included, separate it with a colon (:).

The abstract should be between 100 and 200 words long. It should include the main idea, a summary of the methodology used and a summary of the conclusions of the research.

After the abstract, you should include 3–5 key words that are used in the specialty. These keywords must be different from the words included in the title of the article.

The title, the abstract and the key words will always appear in the two languages of the journal (English and Spanish). Therefore, papers in English need to include a translation into Spanish of these sections (and vice versa).


The authors’ data will always be provided through the online platform and will not be included in the text file in order to ensure the anonymity of the text. You can consult our instructions in this tutorial (only in Spanish).

It is compulsory to provide the ORCID code of the author, in order to ensure the correct attribution of the paper.

Details about funding should also be provided exclusively via the OJS platform, in the corresponding field. Details about funding in the manuscript could jeopardize the anonymity of the text and might be a reason for ineligibility.

Likewise, please, delete all the proprieties of the file before submission.

In order to ensure the anonymity, avoid or minimize self-citation. Use always the third person. For example, do not say “As we have already proven (Pérez & Martínez, 2019)”; but “Pérez & Martínez (2019) have previously proven…” In this case, you can add the normal reference: Pérez, J., & Martínez, M. (2019). Title.

In case you need to mention the authors in the first person, do not use the surnames, but “Author”. In the references, just include “Author (YEAR)”. You can find more information on this page.

Upon acceptance of the manuscript, you will be requested a full version, including authors’ and funding data.


Papers should be at least 7,500 and no more than 9,500 words, including title, abstract, key words, main text and references. Except in exceptional circumstances, the journal does not accept shorter or longer papers.

The summaries of doctoral dissertations should not exceed 750 words (per language) and book reviews should not exceed 1,250 words.


All papers must include the following:

  • title in the original language (English)
  • title in the second language (in Spanish for papers in English)
  • abstract (100-200 words) and key words (3-5) in English
  • abstract (100-200 words) and key words (3-5) in Spanish
  • the text, including tables and figures
  • the paper will follow the IMRaD structured: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion
  • references (starting in a new page)
  • appendix(es), if available

You can download the articles in English here.


Book reviews must include the following:

  • Title of the book
  • Name and surname of the author (director, coordinator, etc.) of the book
  • Publication year, city and publishing house
  • Number of pages
  • Name of the author of the book review
  • Body text (should not exceed 1,250 words)

You can download the template for book reviews here.

Summaries of doctoral dissertations must include the following:

  • Title of the doctoral dissertation
  • Name and surname of the author
  • Month and year of the defense
  • University where the defense took place
  • Name of the director(s) of the doctoral thesis
  • Summary of the doctoral thesis (should not exceed 750 words)

You can download the template for summaries of doctoral dissertations here.


This section will follow the same quality and formatting requirements than the Articles section. The editorial team will contact the author, who will be offered a publication platform without payment of the publication fees. This article will be reviewed by single blind evaluation.


Every issue will have its own original cover, which displays a winning image from the contest “Explica Geografía con tus fotos”, organized annually by the Spanish Association of Geography. The authorship of the images used will be properly displayed.


In order to ensure the correct formatting of the text, we require authors to use the template provided.

The body text will use Renner* Light, 12 points, 1.5 paragraph spacing. Renner font can be downloaded for free here. If you are unable to download and install this font, use Times New Roman instead.

Bold should never be used, except for headings and subheadings.

Italic should be used as little as possible. It should be used for foreign words and to highlight important words within the text. The abbreviation “et al.” should not be in italics.

All margins will be of 2 cm. Text will be justified.

Pages will be numbered in the bottom right corner.

Quotes will use roman typeface, 12 points, with a 5 cm indent. Apply the “AGE quote” style available in the template.

Use double quotation marks [“quote”] in the text. If you need quotation marks of second level, use single quotation marks [‘quote’].

Omissions of text will be indicated with an ellipsis in square brackets. Example: […]

Use n-dash in place of commas or parentheses and for range of numbers.

All abbreviations which are not of common usage should be explained in parentheses in their first appearance.

Use always the International System of Units.

Numbers will be separated by commas (,) every three digits, and decimals will be separated by a period. Example: 3,456,789; 3.1416


The text can be broken down into divisions and subdivisions that should not exceed two levels.

Level 1. Arabic numbers, lower case, bold, 14 points. Use “AGE 1” style available in the template. Example: 1 First level

Level 2. Arabic numbers, lower case, bold, 12 points. Use “AGE 2” style available in the template. Example: 1.1 Second level

Body text. Roman, 12 points. Use “Normal” style available in the template.Example: Body text


The text can contain figures and tables. There is not a limit number. If you include figures or images that have already been published, please obtain the necessary permission from the copyright holder to publish under the CC BY-NC license and submit it via our platform. You should always use the complete word (Table, Figure) and not abbreviations of any sort.

Tables should be easy to read and reproduce. They should be editable and should be inserted in the text, as close as possible to the paragraph where they are first mentioned. Use Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3…) and a concise title. All columns should have a heading. The source should always be indicated. The title and the footing will be centered and lower case. The title will be bold, 12 points and the footing will be roman, 12 points. Use the “AGE Figuras y Tablas” style available in the template for the title, and the “AGE Fuente” style for the source. All will use the font Renner* Light. Example:

Table 1. Summary of the interviews to participants (2013–2017)

Source: own elaboration

Figures will be inserted in the text, as close as possible to the paragraph where they are first mentioned. Use Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3…). Figures include pictures, maps, graphs and other types of figures. The title will be concise and the source of the data should be indicated. The title and the footing will be centered and lower case. The title will be bold, 12 points and the footing will be roman, 12 points. Use the “AGE Figuras y Tablas” style available in the template for the title, and the “AGE Fuente” style for the source. All will use the font Renner* Light. Example:

Figure 1. Alamillo bridge, autumn 2017

Source: Zoido Naranjo (2017)


The papers might include footnotes (not endnotes). Use Arabic numerals and keep them as few and short as possible. You can format them using the “AGE footnote” style that is included in the template.


The citation of authors in the text will follow the 7th edition of the APA style. Examples: (Martín Vide, 2016, p. 16), (Mata Olmo, 2016; Méndez & Monteserín, 2017) or (Delgado Viñas et al., 2016).


References follow the 7th edition of the APA style, which includes a dedicated section to the citation of electronic resources. We strongly recommend the use of reference management software such as Mendeley or Zotero. The official APA style manual can be purchased through their website.


Nogué i Font, J., & Romero, J. (2006). Las otras geografías. Tirant Lo Blanch.

Book chapter

Zoido, F., & Ojeda, J. (2003). Diversidad, desigualdad y cohesión territorial. In A. López Ontiveros (Coord.), Geografía de Andalucía (pp. 777–812). Ariel.

Paper without DOI

Murray, I., Rullán, O., & Blázquez, M. (2005). Las huellas territoriales de deterioro ecológico. El trasfondo oculto de la explosión turística en Baleares. Scripta Nova, IX(199). http://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-199.htm

Paper with DOI

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O. (2018). Impact of global warming on the distribution and survival of the Spanish fir (Serranía de Ronda, Southern Spain). Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, (76), 504–549. https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.2532

Article in a magazine or newspaper

Benabent Fernández de Córdoba, M., & Mata Olmo, R. (2007, July 13). El futuro de la geografía. El Paíshttps://elpais.com/diario/2007/07/13/opinion/1184277607_850215.html

Conference proceedings (published)

García Palomares, J. C., Gutiérrez Puebla, J., Romanillos Arroyo, G., & Salas-Olmedo, H. (2016). Patrones espaciales de concentración de turistas en Madrid a partir de datos geolocalizados de redes sociales: Panoramio y Twitter. In Aplicaciones de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG) para el desarrollo económico sostenible (pp. 131-139). Actas del XVII Congreso Nacional de Tecnologías de Información Geográfica. Málaga, June 29-30 and July 1. http://congresotig2016.uma.es/downloads/separadas/lt1/García%20Palomares.pdf

Working paper (more than twenty authors)

De  Stefano, L., Urquijo  Reguera, J., Acácio, V., Andreu,  J., Assimacopolus, D., Bifulco, C., De Carli, A., De Paoli, L., Dias, S., Gad, F., Haro Monteagudo, D., Kampragou, E., Keller, C., Lekkas, D., Manoli, E., Massarutto, A., Miguel Ayala, L., Musolino, D., Paredes Arquiola, J., … Wolters, W. (2012). Policy and drought responses–Case Study scale (Technical report no. 4). DROUGHT-R&SPI  project. http://www.isa.ulisboa.pt/ceabn/uploads/docs/projectos/drought/DROUGHT_TR_4.pdf

Webpage or piece of online content

Boletín de la Asociación Española de Geografía (n.d.). Directrices para autoras/es.  BAGE. Boletín de la Asociación Española de Geografía. https://bage.age-geografia.es/ojs/index.php/bage/about/submissions

Wikipedia article

Asociación Española de Geografía. (2021, January 6). In Wikipediahttps://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Asociaci%C3%B3n_Espa%C3%B1ola_de_Geograf%C3%ADa&oldid=132196535


AGE [@AGE_Oficial]. (2021, March 8). En este #8M2021 la AGE comparte estos #mapas elaborados por socias. Porque la desigualdad es también territorial [hand pointing down] #AGEgeógrafas8M #DiaInternacionalDeLaMujer [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/AGE_Oficial/status/1368843333074829312?s=20

Facebook page

Asociación Española de Geografía (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved September 16, 2021 from https://www.facebook.com/agegeografia

Facebook post

Asociación Española de Geografía (2021, March 10). Los grupos de investigación en geografía mantienen [Link attached] [Post]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/agegeografia/posts/4197023830375623

Instagram photo or video

Asociación Española de Geografía [@age_geografia]. (2021, March 8). Diferencia en las Tasas de paro entre mujeres y hombres 2020. [Photograph]. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKyKO9ph7u/

Youtube or other streaming video

Asociación Española de Geografía [Asociacion Española de Geografía AGE]. (2021, March 5). Jorge Olcina 8M2021 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyeLPheWTMo


Papers published in the Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles will be free of charge for those who, at the moment of submission, have already been members of the Spanish Association of Geography for at least a year.

Starting on January 1, 2023, authors who are not members of the Association for at least a year at the moment of submission, must pay a publication fee of 544,5 € (taxes included) (fee 450€ + 94,5€ taxes, 21%) per paper, which will help cover the costs of running the journal, as agreed in the General Assembly of the Association on December 16, 2022. This fee applies to every author who do not fulfil the requirement, and will be applied proportionally according to the total number of authors of the paper.

The fee must be paid after the paper has been evaluated and accepted for publication.


If the paper contains the results of one or several research projects that have been funded, this should be stated in the corresponding field in the online platform. Do not include this information in the submitted file, as this could compromise the anonymity of the evaluation.


All authors must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results. If there is no conflict of interest, please state "The authors declare no conflict of interest." Likewise, for research articles with several authors, a short paragraph specifying their individual contributions must be provided. Do not include this information in the submitted file, as this could compromise the anonymity of the evaluation.

Once an article has been accepted for publication, authorship must remain unchanged. In exceptional cases, an author can be added only after written consent by the rest of authors.