Cross-border actors and projects in Iberian borders: comparative analysis from IV INTERREG-A

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Javier Martín-Uceda
Margarita Castañer Vivas


Cross-border actors and projects in Iberian borders: comparative analysis from IV INTERREG-A. This article aims a comparative analysis between the Iberian borders from the INTERREG IV fund. The diagnosis focuses on the projects developed and the actors involved in these projects. All this based on the methodology based on previous studies, which allows, in addition to the analysis itself, a final cartography to visualize the studied elements, creating densities. Before the methodology and the results of the analysis, an overview of the INTERREG funds and cooperation in the Spanish-French and Spanish-Portuguese borders is made.


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Martín-Uceda, J., & Castañer Vivas, M. (2018). Cross-border actors and projects in Iberian borders: comparative analysis from IV INTERREG-A. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (78), 154-179.


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