Methodology for the prediction of multiple risks points in road infrastructures after torrential episodes (road-risk)

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María Jesús Perles Roselló
Santiago Manuel Pardo García
Matías Mérida Rodríguez
Jorge Olcina Cantos


The paper contains an applied methodology that allows mapping the points in the road that can be blocked by multiple risks of simultaneous operation, after an episode of high intensity rains. It incorporates two predictive models to identify points where there are mass movement risks, subsidence under the infrastructure and/or waterlogging. Moreover, it has been designed a software application that applies the obtained prediction criteria and maps the conflicted points in infrastructures from a different study area.


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Perles Roselló, M. J., Pardo García, S. M., Mérida Rodríguez, M., & Olcina Cantos, J. (2019). Methodology for the prediction of multiple risks points in road infrastructures after torrential episodes (road-risk). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (80).


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