The post-productivist transition of Mallorca’s winemaking sector (1990–2015)
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Mallorca’s centuries-old tradition of vine-growing and wine-producing has undergone different stages in its evolution, some involving expansion and others contractions. This study analyses the most recent phase in the sector’s evolution in Mallorca, focused on a new approach to viticulture associated with the production of high-quality wines. This phase was developed as from the 1990s in line with plans for the restructuring of vineyards and the creation of Designations of Origin and other Geographical Indications. In turn, we have been able to witness the fragmented growth of a new wine-making industry, largely made up of small low-capacity wineries with their own vineyards. The products’ links with the area where they are produced through legislation governing geographical indications and changes in the industry have led to the creation of a new model, with characteristics closely tied in with what is known as the post-productivist shift. In the paper, an analysis is made of the keys to the new model, evident in the vine-growing process and landscape and in the winemaking industry.
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