The morphogenetic and quantitative approach applied to the study of urban forms and land-use mix: the case of Toledo

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Eloy Solís Trapero
Borja Ruiz-Apilánez
Irene García Camacha Gutiérrez
José María Ureña Francés
Inmaculada Mohíno Sanz


Traditionally, urban form has been used to understand urban spaces. However, this knowledge has mainly focused on historic city centers and large cities, and the scope of their approaches and methods has been very limited in the planning practice and urban design. Based on these limitations, the article proposes (a) the identification and characterization of urban forms of new contemporary urban landscapes based on a morphogenetic approach, and (b) the evaluation of the influence of spatial configuration on land-use mix based on a quantitative approach. On the one hand, the morphogenetic approach reveals different urban forms in relation to the spatial configuration of blocks, plots, buildings, streets, plazas and green areas. On the other, the quantitative approach, supported by the spacemate technique, the n diagram and the functional urban mix model, firstly informs us of the spatial properties of urban forms and secondly, through factorial and inferential analyses, helps us to evaluate the influence of these properties on the diversity of uses. To sum up, this article contributes to the conceptual debate and combination of methods in the study of the degree of influence of space (urban form) on human activity (land use mix) but also serves to guide urban planning and design.


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Solís Trapero, E., Ruiz-Apilánez, B., García Camacha Gutiérrez, I., Ureña Francés, J. M., & Mohíno Sanz, I. (2019). The morphogenetic and quantitative approach applied to the study of urban forms and land-use mix: the case of Toledo. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (82).


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