Wine labels: their value as a commercial resource and as an expression of the wine landscape

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Julio Fernández Portela


The use of visual sources such as painting, photography, maps or films provides valuable information on the various dynamics that have taken place in the landscape over time. They show us the elements that remain in a territory, those that disappear, and the new ones that are incorporated. In the case of the wine landscape, these sources offer information on the relationship between the relief and the vineyard, the plantation systems used or the designs of the wineries, as well as the transformations that have occurred in recent decades.

This paper analyzes the role that other sources can acquire, specifically wine labels, as a tool that contributes information to the studies of the wine landscape. They portray elements that make up the said landscape such as vineyards, wineries and field labour, as well as other components of the geographical space, in addition to becoming a commercial resource for the promotion of wine and territory.


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Fernández Portela, J. (2019). Wine labels: their value as a commercial resource and as an expression of the wine landscape. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (81).


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