Analysis and interpretation of the spatial distribution of flags of Spain and religious symbols on the balconies of the municipality of Seville

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Pablo Fraile-Jurado


In recent years Spanish flags have been hanged on balconies of private homes in different Spanish cities, reaching its peak at the end of 2017 during the tensest days of the institutional crisis in Catalonia. This paper identifies the spatial patterns of the distribution of Spanish flags and religious symbols on the balconies of the municipality of Seville, analyzing their relationship between the electoral results of the last elections to the Andalusian Parliament and other socioeconomic variables. The results indicate a strong correlation with the ideology of the voters, identifying positive correlations with respect to the vote to the PP and Vox, and negative with respect to the vote to Adelante Andalucía and PSOE.


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Fraile-Jurado, P., & Fernández-Díaz, M. (2019). Analysis and interpretation of the spatial distribution of flags of Spain and religious symbols on the balconies of the municipality of Seville. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (81).


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