Spatial data infrastructures: a challenge and an opportunity for teaching geography

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Javier Álvarez Otero
María Luisa de Lázaro y Torres


The increasing importance of data as raw material means teachers should pay them more attention. The services and viewers on the Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), maintained by the public bodies responsible for them, offer a wealth of geographically referenced data (geodata), which constitutes an excellent teaching resource. These data are free as well as open. They offer the advantage of quality, interoperability, transparency, reuse, ease of access and updating, sometimes in real time. The student can achieve a more accurate understanding of the territory because of the data. The Delphi technique has been used. It has been possible to gather valuable information provided by researchers, technical experts in SDI, and teachers, experienced in using data from SDI. The results obtained with this technique make it possible to confirm that despite the interest of the SDI for the understanding of the territory, the use of SDI is still to come, since the tools that facilitate the path are still complex, as can be deduced from formulating the barriers that hinder its use.


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Álvarez Otero, J., & Lázaro y Torres, M. L. de. (2019). Spatial data infrastructures: a challenge and an opportunity for teaching geography. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (82).


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