Mapping environmental justice at a regional scale: the collaborative digital map of water conflicts in Andalusia

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Leandro del Moral Ituarte
Cesare Laconi
Belén Pedregal


Drafting upon previous multi-scale experiences, this article highlights the need for collaborative research on environmental conflicts within a regional perspective. We first make the case for the need for new approaches to understand such scalar interlinked conflicts through collaborative and engaged research between academia and civil society. The article, firstly, introduces the Colaborative Map on water conflicts in Andalusia (Map-RedNCA), describing its methodology, its process of co-design and development, framed in pre-existing social organizations. Secondly, it assesses the initial outcomes and contribution of the tool for activism, advocacy and scientific knowledge. Finally, the article argues that the Map-RedNCA can enrich environmental justice studies by going beyond the isolated case study approach to offer a wider systematic evidence-based enquiry into the water conflicts typologies and actors involved, forms of mobilization, as well as other aspects related to information and participation surrounding environmental justice struggles at local and regional scales.


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del Moral Ituarte, L., Laconi, C., & Pedregal, B. (2020). Mapping environmental justice at a regional scale: the collaborative digital map of water conflicts in Andalusia. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (85).


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