Appalachian relief in the Montes de Toledo, Spain (December 2017)

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Jesús Santos


Municipality of Los Yébenes (Toledo, Spain), December 23, 2018

The term Appalachian relief originates in the Appalachian mountain range in the United Sates. We can also find this type of mountainous and folded relief in some areas of Spain. It is defined by a succession of parallel and longitudinal mountain ranges and valleys, whose maximum altitudes are very similar.

The picture is taken at dawn in a winter day, the sun is fairly low and you can see some of the parallel mountain ranges, with altitudes in between 900 and 1000 m, separated by valleys where the evening fog accumulates.


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How to Cite
Santos, J. (2020). Appalachian relief in the Montes de Toledo, Spain (December 2017). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (85). Retrieved from