Land occupation in a municipality of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona: challenges and opportunities

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Anna Badia Perpinyà
Àngel Cebollada Frontera
Ana Vera Martín
Meritxell Gisbert Traveria
Enric Mendizábal Riera
Antoni Francesc Tulla Pujol


The need to answer to some of the challenges generated by the dynamics of Land Use Land Cover Change (LULCC) in a territory characterized by its dispersed urban structure is the origin of this work. LULCC can be generators of risk spaces and costs associated with urban sprawl, among which the fires in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and the unsustainable mobility of a dispersed population stand out. The general objective of this paper is to analyze, on one hand, the territorial and landscape dynamics in a municipality of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, Matadepera, that have generated vulnerable spaces using a quantitative methodology, to determine the evolution of the LULCC using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). On the other hand, the use of qualitative methodology, allows knowing the voice of the resident population from semi-structured interviews. The diagnosis allows us to propose alternatives to moderate or even overcome the consequences of these challenges. Each territory has local development opportunities that allow a more sustainable relationship with the environment. Understanding the dynamics of LULCC allows us to find opportunities and alternatives for improvement in territorial management and planning.


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Badia Perpinyà, A., Cebollada Frontera, Àngel, Vera Martín, A., Gisbert Traveria, M., Mendizábal Riera, E., & Tulla Pujol, A. F. (2021). Land occupation in a municipality of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona: challenges and opportunities. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (89).


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