Multi-temporal analysis of geomorphological processes and vegetation changes in a large gravel-bed channel: the Cinca River, Aragón (Spain)

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Víctor Trullenque Blanco
Antonio Luis Montealegre Gracia
Alfredo Ollero Ojeda


The middle to lower course of the Cinca River has undergone significant changes over the last 90 years, both in the geomorphology of its course and in the vegetation that occupies its Fluvial Territory. This study has analyzed the changes observed trough the aerial photographs of 9 different years between 1927 and 2018 by means of photo-interpretation work. At the same time, hydrology, gravel mining, the introduction of defenses and ploughings –understood as the first cultivation of uncultivated or neglected land or woodlands– have been analyzed as factors that influence the river system. The results obtained demonstrate a large reduction in the area occupied by the active channel, to the benefit of riparian vegetation and other anthropized cover. The riverbed has been simplified, reducing its active surface area and moving from a braided pattern to a wandering one. Furthermore, current mobility is very low and the water surface occupies most of the active channel. In summary, the reduction in the dynamics of the wide gravel bed of the Cinca means a notable loss of natural heritage in the hydrogeomorphological framework of the Iberian Peninsula.


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Trullenque Blanco, V., Montealegre Gracia, A. L., & Ollero Ojeda, A. (2022). Multi-temporal analysis of geomorphological processes and vegetation changes in a large gravel-bed channel: the Cinca River, Aragón (Spain). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (92).


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