Climate change perception and responses from tourists to water resources: the case of Muga river basin.

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María Torres-Bagur
David Pavón Gamero


Climate change and its effects will be an important factor for the future of tourist destinations. On the Mediterranean basin its influence on water availability will be remarkable. It might have influence on the attractiveness of destinations, and it could affect tourist arrivals. However, there is a little knowledge about how tourists perceive the decrease of water availability and how it is linked with climate change. This paper analyses some of these perceptions from the results obtained carrying out 752 surveys on 19 different tourist accommodation establishments located on the Muga river basin, on the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. Results determine that some factors of the tourists and their motivations to stay at the destination can be explicative to explain their different perception and behaviour on climate change and water availability.


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Torres-Bagur, M. ., & Pavón Gamero, D. (2021). Climate change perception and responses from tourists to water resources: the case of Muga river basin. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (89).


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