Geography and gender PhD thesis in Spain: 30 years of feminist research

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Anna Ortiz Guitart
Mireia Baylina Ferré


This article analyzes the PhD dissertations on Geography and Gender that have been submitted in Spanish universities in recent decades. This research tries to reflect the interests and concerns of the authors and to study the evolution of this field of research from both a thematic as well as a methodological viewpoint. A systematized search in different databases of open access PhD theses has been carried out and the thesis have been reviewed and classified in order to offer an overview of the subject. The results show an upward evolution in the number of tesis and a diversity in new issues and methods; there is also noticeable a territorial imbalance in PhD production with gender perspective. The absences found may be due to the lack of specific training in geography and gender at the undergraduate and master’s level, the lack of stable leadership in mentoring, and other resistances derived from conservative institutional settings, among others.


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Ortiz Guitart, A., & Baylina Ferré, M. (2021). Geography and gender PhD thesis in Spain: 30 years of feminist research. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (90).


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