Temporal and territorial dimension of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asturias, Spain

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Felipe Fernández García
Daniel Herrera Arenas
Cristina Fernández Bustamante


After analyzing the available sources to study the incidence of COVID-19 in Asturias, the study of the daily evolution of the pandemic in the region over 360 days is approached, comparing it with that of the country as a whole, and trying to determine the causes that explain the appearance and development of the three waves detected, and the existence of periods of low incidence. The analysis of intra-regional differences is addressed below by studying the values ​​at the municipal level, relating them to the uneven records observed with the structure of the settlement and the degree of aging of the population. It is concluded that the evolution of the pandemic in Asturias presents similar characteristics to that of the country as a whole, although with singularities, derived initially from the restriction measures adopted and from the ease of controlling foreign trade, and later the relaxation generated by the opening process and the feeling of security produced by the existence of a long period without cases. It is also concluded that the concentration of the population in urban areas facilitated the proliferation of detected cases in them.


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Fernández García, F., Herrera Arenas, D. ., & Fernández Bustamante, C. (2021). Temporal and territorial dimension of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asturias, Spain. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (91). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3147


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