Population age and COVID-19: controversial socio-demographic realities

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Vicente Rodríguez


Multiple uncertainties have derived from the COVID-19 thus affecting the individuals, society and territories, but also a powerful certainty, the older people have acquired a more vulnerable position in contrast with other population groups. The older population can be identified following biological, chronological/statistical, instrumental or social and political decision criteria, all giving a chance for different analytical processes and for the definition of public policies at different levels. The copious bibliography generated during the pandemic will enable to assess the controversies about the age of the population by means the analysis of its qualitative content through Atlas.ti. The starting point is that the documents studied are very diverse, produced with urgent criteria, without always following the validation procedures in data collection, in the use of methods and in the contrast of evidences. Therefore, controversies in age’s name are shown, as well as in the image that society and the media have about it, in the ethical evaluations of how the elderly population is treated, and in the consideration of age for health and professional recommendations. All controversies, finally, give value the age in the political measures during the pandemic.


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Rodríguez, V. (2021). Population age and COVID-19: controversial socio-demographic realities. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (91). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3158


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