The fight against poverty in Morocco: achievements. From planning to the National Initiative for Human Development

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Eugenio Cejudo García
Francisco Antonio Navarro Valverde


After its political independence in 1956, Morocco faced different socio-economic problems. This paper shows the development policy implemented in the country, especially that related to the fight against poverty and inequalities. Development policy is analyzed from the first years of independence to 2004. The few good results obtained forced the national government to face such problems through a new development model. Thus, since 2005, the National Initiative for Human Development (NIHD) was initiated. However, this research shows that the NIHD's investments have been directed mainly to the most populated areas and have a null impact on the indicators that measure social problems such as poverty. Therefore, it is clear that the NHRI is not the "magic" solution to the social issue in the country. Regarding the methodology, quantitative and qualitative information has been combined. The first allows for the extraction of indicators for its graphic and cartographic representation and the second allows for an analysis of the assessments expressed by the public actors involved in it.


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Laghdas, M., Cejudo García, E., & Navarro Valverde, F. A. (2022). The fight against poverty in Morocco: achievements. From planning to the National Initiative for Human Development. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (92).


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