Rural employment and LEADER: actors, territories and beneficiaries in Andalusia (2007–2015)

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Eugenio Cejudo García
José Antonio Cañete Pérez
Francisco Antonio Navarro Valverde
Noelia Ruiz Moya


LEADER is one of the most relevant actions in rural development launched by the European Union. Its socioeconomic repercussions, weighed down by its meager budget, have been little analyzed from a broad territorial point of view. We approach its quantification through the investment and type of employment generated according to the promoter, territory and profile of the beneficiaries. The 6,225 projects executed in Andalusia between the years 2007–2015 are analyzed, verifying both the unequal behavior of the actors according to territories and the lower employment generated and, within it, created, with respect to the previous period 2000–2006. Commercial Companies, especially Limited Companies, are the ones that generate the most jobs. The latter, along with Individuals, are the ones that most bet on the creation of new employment as a form of self-employment in the face of the crisis, occupied by young people and women. While the former mainly benefit women and tend to be concentrated in the most dynamic areas, the latter acquire relevance in the rural world. Both Associations, due to the absolute presence of women in them, and Cooperatives, due to their strong territorial dimension and their relationship with the agricultural sector, they have a relevant role.


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Cejudo García, E., Cañete Pérez, J. A., Navarro Valverde, F. A., & Ruiz Moya, N. (2022). Rural employment and LEADER: actors, territories and beneficiaries in Andalusia (2007–2015). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (92).


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