Flood risk characterization in spatial planning: progress and challenges for the incorporation of vulnerability

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Jesús Vargas Molina
Fulgencio Cánovas García


The use of spatial planning as a non-structural measure to reduce flood risk depends on the capacity to translate the advances in the knowledge, characterization, and flood risk mapping into spatial planning instruments at the appropriate scales. In this work, an analysis has been carried out on the characterization and treatment of flood risk in spatial planning in Spain, which includes a sequenced analysis of the normative aspects (competences, attributions and hierarchies for the characterization of flood risk between sectoral planning and spatial planning), methodological (advances and challenges in the characterization of flood risk) and application (how these advances are transferred (or not) into spatial planning instruments). Results show how the consideration of risk is gaining prominence in special planning, however, risk characterization and use of cartography still poses important challenges, especially in relation to the competence of risk linked to vulnerability, which limits the potential of spatial planning as non-structural flood risk reduction.


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Vargas Molina, J., & Cánovas García, F. . (2022). Flood risk characterization in spatial planning: progress and challenges for the incorporation of vulnerability . Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (92). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3200


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