Methodological proposal for the identification of priority areas for depopulation applied to the province of Badajoz (Extremadura)

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Ana Isabel Horcajo Romo
Enrique Eugenio Ruiz Labrador
José Manuel Pérez Pintor
José Antonio Gutiérrez Gallego


In a world where the transformations that are taking place are increasingly rapid and difficult to predict –the recent global crisis associated with the COVID-19 pandemic is a case in point– there are also problems of a structural nature that affect specific territorial areas. In Europe and especially in Spain, the basic principles aimed at achieving economic, social, and territorial cohesion are hampered by the impact of phenomena such as depopulation and progressive ageing, which are very much entrenched in the most rural areas. It is therefore necessary to implement analysis tools aimed at complementing the Demographic Challenge Strategy and optimizing its results. This work provides a methodological proposal that provides a classification of the municipalities of the province of Badajoz (Spain), based on the preparation of a map to identify the most vulnerable areas to depopulation and its associated problems, according to the most significant socio-economic deficiencies. Seventy-three variables have been compiled, grouped into five thematic blocks (accessibility, demography, economy, territory and tourism), a multivariate analysis has been carried out and, finally, a map is obtained where the municipalities are classified according to their positive or negative characteristics with respect to the original variables.


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Horcajo Romo, A. I., Ruiz Labrador, E. E., Pérez Pintor, J. M., & Gutiérrez Gallego, J. A. (2022). Methodological proposal for the identification of priority areas for depopulation applied to the province of Badajoz (Extremadura). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (93).


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