Application of the "LANBIOEVA" biogeographic valuation methodology to the high andean plant groupings of Atacama (Chile)

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Mª Cristina Díaz Sanz
Pedro José Lozano Valencia
Roxana Lebuy Castillo
Guillermo Meaza Rodriguez


As a result of the XXI Biogeography Field Days/ III International Symposium on Biogeography, a small research stay was carried out among different Chilean and Spanish researchers. As a result, the biogeographic assessment method (LANBIOEVA) was applied to the Mediterranean and Atacama landscapes and formations in Chile. This article presents the results of the application to the Atacama territory. To date, this method has been used in numerous works and in different temperate and boreal areas of Europe: the Iberian Peninsula, the Balkans, the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Netherlands, the Chilean Mediterranean, the Brazilian and Nicaraguan tropics and even Africa (Morocco). In this case, it has also been applied to various plant formations and landscapes in the Atacama region (Chile) with the dual objective of verifying its effectiveness and viability in other areas and to serve as an assessment tool for diagnosing the quality of the environment for essentially conservationist purposes. The results obtained speak of formations with little specific diversity and simple and open structure which, however, give rise to contrasting natural values, high structural scores as a consequence of their large extension and good ecological connectivity, very relevant cultural values and medium to high threats. However, it is the highest value recorded to date in one of the formations analyzed and evaluated within Atacama.


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Díaz Sanz, M. C., Lozano Valencia, P. J. ., Lebuy Castillo, R., & Meaza Rodriguez, G. (2022). Application of the "LANBIOEVA" biogeographic valuation methodology to the high andean plant groupings of Atacama (Chile). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (94).


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