Web content and social perceptions: the projected image of the cultural landscape of Constantina (Seville, Spain)

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Silvia Fernández Cacho
Isabel Durán Salado


The main purpose of this work is the presentation of a methodological proposal to approach landscape perception through the analysis of the image projected by stakeholders in the content published on the web pages. This proposal could be applied both to obtain an initial approach prior to the deployment of traditional ethnographic techniques (interviews, surveys, focus groups, etc.) and to replace said deployment when it is not possible to do so due to lack of necessary resources or due to the existence of a context that makes it impossible, such as social confinement or socio-political instability. The application of quantitative and qualitative techniques for the analysis of content published on the web pages will allow evaluating the scope of this proposal and its ability to complement, validate or contradict the scientific-technical knowledge generated without the participation of social agents.


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Fernández Cacho, S., & Durán Salado, I. (2023). Web content and social perceptions: the projected image of the cultural landscape of Constantina (Seville, Spain). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (96). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3260


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