Strategic analysis of a Tourism Stakeholder Network: a comparative study in Ecuadorian cities
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The analysis of actor networks in tourist destinations has grown in importance in the scientific literature. In this article, the application of the SNA (Social Network Analysis) network methodology in four cities of Ecuador, allows us to know the structure of their relationships and strengths through a set of indicators such as density and centrality, the latter focused from its degree of entry (outdegree), i.e. the number of direct relationships that the actors claim to have, and its degree of exit (indegree), in other words, the number of times that an actor is mentioned by another actor. The results of this study show that each city has different dynamics both in relation to its level of participation and in terms of relationships in the network; actors from the public sector and the different unions and associations stand out, while actors who do not have these strengths are at a lower level.
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