LGBTQIA+ cartographies in filmic Madrid: narrative traits of spatial characterization

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Juan Carlos Alfeo
Luis Deltell Escolar


In this work, the spatial repertoire and its dominant features are analyzed as a source of indirect characterization of LGBTQIA+ characters, studying their representation in feature films set in Madrid and its province and exhibited on the commercial circuit. The methodology that serves as the basis for the study is fundamentally qualitative and was developed by the authors of this work inspired by Hamon’s use of narrative frameworks, a concept redefined, in turn, by Chatman as a narrative trait. The fundamental objective is to specify, in short, which spaces make up the LGBTQIA+ narrative universe, that is, the filmic cartography that the cinema constructs and advances for characters representing sectors of the LGBTQIA+ community and, as is verified here, since not all of these sectors have not all been treated in the same way nor have they all been represented with the same level of detail and extent, we wish to define the distinguishing features of their associated spaces.


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Alfeo, J. C. ., & Deltell Escolar, L. (2022). LGBTQIA+ cartographies in filmic Madrid: narrative traits of spatial characterization. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (95).


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