A photographed city: comparing everyday image and tourist image in Fortaleza (Brazil) based on Instagram

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Daniel Paul i Agusti
Madson dos Santos Costa



The analysis of the representations, i.e., how people subjectively show an area, provides very valuable information to know the different links that individuals establish with their environment. However, each group tends to provide a different image. This article discusses coincidences and divergences in the spatial representations of everyday images and those of tourists. For this, the images posted on Instagram by inhabitants and tourists of the city of Fortaleza (Brazil) are analysed. The results show, in general terms, divergences between the locations and the uses represented by both groups. This enables us to show how a city tends to crystallize in particular situations, productions or figures referenced to the everyday or tourist activities that take place there. Aspects that can help to achieve a city which is more user-friendly for all of its inhabitants and tourists.


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Paul i Agusti, D., & dos Santos Costa, M. (2023). A photographed city: comparing everyday image and tourist image in Fortaleza (Brazil) based on Instagram. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (96). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3317


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