Spatial planning needs in the nursing home sector in Spain (2021–2050)

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Mikel Gurrutxaga


In a context of increasing demand for long-term care, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing care homes in Spain has highlighted the need for structural improvements. At the same time, there are notable territorial inequalities in the coverage of residential places. This study aims to estimate the need for new residential places to reach the average ratio of OECD countries –5 places for every 100 person aged 65 and over– in the short, medium and long term, at national, provincial, urban and rural area level. It is based on the data of existing nursing homes, census and population projections. It would be necessary to create 255 000 new nursing places in the period 2021–2035 and a further 145 000 in the period 2035–2050 in Spain. The greatest deficit of nursing places is concentrated in large urban areas and certain coastal provinces. The medium and long-term forecast for nursing homes is being reflected to a greater extent in reports by private entities than in competent public administration plans. Likewise, for adequate spatial planning of nursing homes, it is necessary to adopt criteria of proximity, integration in the community and environments that facilitate active ageing, safety, sociability and physical and mental health.


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Gurrutxaga, M. (2023). Spatial planning needs in the nursing home sector in Spain (2021–2050). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (98).


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