Old cadastral maps for detection of crop changes: topographical cadastral maps of Alboraya (1930-2013)

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Carmen Femenia-Ribera
Gaspar Mora-Navarro


This work goal is to evaluate the use of cadastral information -geographical and literal- to determine and quantify the changes in crop types between two dates. The changes in an agricultural area of the Alboraya municipality since 1930 are studied. As information source, the cadastral parcel data of the cadastral polygon 4 of the municipality is studied. The Topographical Cadastral Map (TCM) of 1930 is used as old cadastral information, and the associated listing of parcels in paper format. This old information is compared with the current cadastral information. This research compares the crops registered on both dates. Along the process, the factors, characteristics and conditions to accomplish by the information of the study are also studied -availability, format, age, production technique, and georreferencing- to evaluate the method's advantages and limitations. As conclusion, remark on the utility of the old cadastral maps to detect crop changes. The TCM use allows quantifying and delimitating the produced changes in each territory element with detail.


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Femenia-Ribera, C., & Mora-Navarro, G. (2023). Old cadastral maps for detection of crop changes: topographical cadastral maps of Alboraya (1930-2013). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (97). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3332


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