Landscape intangible values: alternatives of territorial planning in dryland metropolitan borders (Mendoza, Argentina)
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Latin American cities grow towards the peripheries, fragmenting the connector with its natural context. A representative case is the metropolitan area of Mendoza (Argentina), with more than 60% of the provincial population. Its foothills, between the western limit of the metropolitan conglomerate and the Andes, is one of the most studied ecosystems: due to its fragility and threat; and the functional, environmental and landscape importance. This research incorporates the landscape as a transversal element in the ordering of the foothills, mapping the intangible values of the landscape, generally excluded from the variables for territorial management. Based on principles of citizen science and participatory georeferenced mapping (PPGIS), this approach recovers the intangibles of the landscape, due to its ability to generate affective links between society and the environment. As a result, cartographies capable of spatializing the perceptual-emotional dimension of people can be obtained, to generate alternatives that allow them to be included as a management and planning tool in a landscape perspective.
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