The sustainability of LEADER action and its influence on improving the quality of life in rural areas: the case of LEADER-created companies in CEDER Monegros (Aragon, Spain)
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What is the level of continuity of the companies created through LEADER in the long term? And what is the impact of these companies on improving the quality of life of their promoters and of the territory? These are the two main questions that are answered in this article based on our case study of CEDER Monegros. Firstly, the fieldwork carried out in the LAG shows that most of the LEADER created companies are still in operation (57.6%). Secondly, based on interviews with the promoters of these companies, a synthetic index of perception of the influence that these LEADER enterprises have had on improving the quality of life of the promoters and the territory has been constructed on an experimental basis, obtaining a high positive value (3.74 out of 5). In conclusion, LEADER supports the creation of sustainable and resilient companies that improve the quality of life of their promoters; that create a culture of entrepreneurship in the territory; and that either enhances the value of the territory's resources or improves the quality of life of its inhabitants.
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