Renewable energies and land use changes in the South of the Iberian Peninsula: a geographical interpretation of the national energy policies

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Mª Ángeles Barral
Alba Ruíz Díez
María-José Prados
Ramón García-Marín
Ana Delicado


The fight against climate change implies changes in the energy model, which is being strongly supported by the policies of the European Union and the Member States. The spatial materialization of the energy policy to promote renewable energies is a crucial element that must take shape on pre-existing land uses, which in turn causes changes in the ecosystems and landscapes. This article investigates the territorial implementation of wind and solar plants in the Iberian Peninsula to assess which types of land use are most affected. Based on the evolution of energy policy in Spain and Portugal, a comparative analysis is made of wind and solar plant developments and land use in Spain and Portugal between 2005 and 2020. The results of the research confirm these developments in rural areas, mainly on arable crops with scrub andº grassland, causing a significant alteration on rural economies and landscapes.


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Barral, M. Ángeles, Ruíz Díez, A., Prados, M.-J., García-Marín, R., & Delicado, A. (2023). Renewable energies and land use changes in the South of the Iberian Peninsula: a geographical interpretation of the national energy policies. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (97).


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