Afternoon in early winter in Badajoz, Spain (December 23, 2020)

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Isaac Buzo


Urban segment of the Guadiana river under an overcast sky through which the sun shines. The waters are calm, both because of the regulation of the river upstream and the presence of a small dam diversion a few kilometers downstream. The width of the river is compensated by its shallow depth. Two invasive plants have colonized its waters, the common water hyacinth and the Mexican waterlily, which despite the numerous cleaning campaigns, still maintain in the river an almost exotic aspect.

Two of the four bridges that connect the city can be seen. Badajoz, which lived during the second half of the 20th century ignoring its river, has recovered it as an area for walking and recreation with the rehabilitation of its banks as urban parks. In addition, the river has become one of the main axes of urban growth as evidenced by some of the more modern constructions shown in the image.


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How to Cite
Buzo, I. (2023). Afternoon in early winter in Badajoz, Spain (December 23, 2020). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (96). Retrieved from