Evolution and challenges of airbnbfied tourist destinations: the case of Barcelona

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Montserrat Crespi Vallbona
Sofía Galeas Ortiz


Tourist destinations have the challenge to improve their competitiveness, generating added value to their supply. The urban changes that are taking place involve the challenges of coexistence among residents and visitors. In this sense, co-governance among stakeholders is key to the success of these defiances. This aspect is the objective of this analysis, focusing on the irruption of homes that have changed their residential uses for tourism, given the projection of airbnification both in the city of Barcelona and in its adjoining limits. Methodologically, secondary data from the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Barcelona City Council are used in a qualitative analysis, as well as from the InsideAirbnb platform; and the strategic plans of Barcelona and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB). This exploratory study allows us to observe how the excessive expansion of tourist activity in the territory calls for a determined co-governance between citizens and agents involved, both public and private; also, the coordination between all the local entities of the different municipalities, since tourism exceeds the territorial administrative borders.


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Crespi Vallbona, M., & Galeas Ortiz, S. (2024). Evolution and challenges of airbnbfied tourist destinations: the case of Barcelona. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (100). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3430


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