Inland tourism and pandemic in Spain: from collapse to asymmetric resilience. An analysis of hotel occupancy
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The mobility restrictions and the perception of insecurity due to COVID-19 generate an unprecedented collapse of tourist activity. Both the vulnerability and the recovery capacity of Spanish destinations were very uneven. This has reactivated the debate on the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the different tourism models. The general objective of the article is to analyze the unequal impact of the pandemic on tourism demand between January 2019 and December 2021 at different territorial scales, although the scarcity of data at the local scale reduced the possibilities of the analysis. After a theoretical reflection on the keys to the unequal behavior of destinations and the strategic value of inland tourism, the analysis of the evolution of supply and demand registered in tourist accommodation in 2020 and 2021 makes it possible to develop a typology of destinations, which differentiates the vulnerable, resistant, reactive and resilient. In this way, it provides an original result with respect to the published bibliography and contributes to the post-pandemic debate on the risks of simply returning to the previous situation.
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