Learning from crises: challenges and opportunities for rural inland territories in the south-west of France after COVID-19
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The mobility restrictions characteristic of the pandemic period interrupted tourism mobilities and forced territorial actors, and specifically those connected with tourism, to adapt and rethink their tools, processes and even the ways in which they communicated. Moreover, this context placed them in front of unusual situations that they had to manage, such as the increase in the flows of local and regional visitors in outdoors and natural areas. Based on a qualitative methodology built on the analysis of documents and in-depth interviews with key informants, this paper reflects on the responses and on the perception of different actors in periods of change, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis of this context in terms of opportunity and in terms of challenge in the case of a rural and inland territory in the southwest of France leads us to the conclusion that crises are scenarios that favor learning processes. The challenge lies in giving continuity to the lessons learned. This study contributes to the reflection of tourism development models consistent with the socio-ecological transition. Tourism development models that promote adequate tourism under the paradigm of degrowth.
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