Opportunities and Constraints for Food Transition and Territorial Development in Low-Density Rural Areas (Salamanca and Zamora, Spain)

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José Luis Sánchez Hernández
Lourdes Moro Gutiérrez
Teresa Sierra Gómez


The production, distribution, and consumption of food under environmental, economic, and social sustainability criteria are often embodied in territorial civic networks that strive for an alternative food system founded on geographical proximity. This article assesses the contribution of such food networks to territorial development in the provinces of Salamanca and Zamora (Spain), severely constrained by depopulation and the dispersion of production and consumption centres. After compiling an inventory of active networks, a sample of initiatives across all the stages in the value chain was interviewed in depth. The information recorded sheds light onto three key topics. First, the values and objectives aimed at by their stakeholders. Second, their embeddedness in this weak territory, key to assessing their contribution to economic, social, environmental and governance development. Third, the limitations raised by the territorial context and the institutional and governance framework to the strengthening of these initiatives. It is concluded that the social capital underlying these food networks is the fundamental resource that sustains their ability to leverage the natural capital of the territory, despite the limited economic capacities of these networks and the unequal support they receive from public administrations.


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Sánchez Hernández, J. L., Moro Gutiérrez, L., & Sierra Gómez, T. (2025). Opportunities and Constraints for Food Transition and Territorial Development in Low-Density Rural Areas (Salamanca and Zamora, Spain). Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (103). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3586


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