Contact us
Editor in Chief
Pilar Paneque Salgado
Departament of Geography. Universitat de Barcelona.
C/. Montalegre, 6 - Barcelona (Spain)
- Phone: (+ 34) 934 037 875
- E-mail:
Editor's Assistant
Amaranta Heredia Jaén
- E-mail:
Contact the Editor in Chief for questions regarding the following topics:
- To request information about the editorial policy of the journal.
- To request information about the evaluation process.
- To makes suggestions or give feedback about these topics.
- In the case you need a certificate for your work as a reviewer or the acceptance of your manuscript for publication.
- If you want to become a reviewer.
Contact the Editor's Assitant for questions regarding the following topics:
- If you experience problems when using the OJS platform.
- If you have questions regarding the Submission guidelines.
- If you experience problems when using the template for papers.
- If you cannot locate the information you need in our website.
- If you have feedback regarding any of the above-mentioned topics.
Please, do not send the same e-mail to both of us. In case it is absolutely necessary, send the e-mail to one of us and add the other one as CC.
For questions regarding a submission, please, indicate the ID of the submission (e.g. 2329).