Impact indexes

Index / Year / Impact

  • JCR JIF / 2020 / 1.182 (#75/85, Q4, percentil 12.35)
  • JCR JIC / 2020 / 0.32 (#101/160, Q3, percentil 37.19)
  • CiteScore (Scopus) / 2020 / 1.3 (Percentile 49) / SNIP 0.722
  • SJR (SCImago) / 2020 / 0,37 (Q2) / H-index 19
  • FECYT / 2021 / 94.07 (Q1)
  • CIRC / 2020 / Social Sciences B
  • Dialnet / 2020 / 0.884 (Q1)
  • Google Scholar Metrics H-INDEX 2014-2018 = 13; MEDIANA H = 18
  • REDIB / 2020 / 176 of1199; 23,457; Q1
  • MIAR / 2018 / ICDS 11.0
  • CARHUS / 2018 / C
  • ANEP / 2014 / A+
  • DICE / 2012 / 14,25
  • IN-RECS / 2011 / 0,329


BAGE is indexed and included in the following databases and portals for scientific publications:

Evaluated in:



BAGE is included in the Journal Citation Report (Social Sciences Edition), in the Geography category continuously since 2007.




The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus- database (Elsevier). BAGE has been included since 2006.



Regional information online system for scientific journals of Latin America, Spain and Portugal.



The aim of DICE is to facilitate the knowledge and consultation of some of the publishing characteristics of the Spanish Social Sciences and Humanities scientific journals which are more closely related to quality and less subject to interpretations.



RESH (Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades) is an information system that includes quality indicators for Spanish scientific journals in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities.


Índice H de las revistas científicas españolas según Google Scholar Metrics (2014-2018)

EC3 Group presents the rankings of scientific journals in different fields accroding to Google Schoalr metrics, using the h index by Google. The Boletín de la Asociación Española de Geografía is 1st out of 21 journals in Geography.



Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals by Universitat de Barcelona.



Science Foundation (ESF) signed in January 2014 a memorandum of understanding with the NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data to transfer the maintenance and operations of the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) to NSD. The ERIH database operated by NSD is called ERIH PLUS.



Carhus Plus + is a system of classification of scientific journals in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities that are published locally, nationally and internationally. This project, developed by AGAUR at the proposal of the General Directorate for Research, is presented in order to contribute to the evaluation of the research carried out in the Catalan scientific and university system with the highest objectivity.


Information database run by the University de la Rioja that includes detailed information of journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. Dialnet has recently published its own metrics and evaluation of journals. BAGE is in the Q1 of Geography, position 5/40, impact of 0.662 (year 2019).

Indexed in:


BAGE is included since 2005 in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) of Web of Science.



Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. All journals covered in the Scopus database, regardless of who they are published under, are reviewed each year to ensure high quality standards are maintained.


The BAGE holds the quality certification by FECYT since 2019. Journals that received this quality certification have been evaluated for editorial and scientific quality by the  Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and are cosindered excellent.



DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.




The GeoRef database, established by the American Geosciences Institute in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. GeoRef is the most comprehensive database in the geosciences and continues to grow by more than 100,000 references a year. The database contains over 3.9 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.



Information and Documentation of Science in Spain (ÍnDICEs-CSIC) is a multidisciplinary bibliographic resource that collects and disseminates mainly research articles published in Spanish scientific journals.



Information database run by the University de la Rioja that includes detailed information of journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.



CrossRef Metadata Search

Crossref is a not-for-profit membership organization for scholarly publishing working to make content easy to find, link, cite and assess. It is responsible for the DOI.




The REDIB is a platform for aggregating scientific and academic content in electronic formats produced in the Ibero-American space.



The Urbadisc CD-ROM is a joint production, bringing together over 700,000 references on urban and regional planning and policy, housing, social policy, infrastructure, architecture, transportation, local government policy and environment, from major databases in Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.



SUNCAT is the Serials Union Catalogue for the UK research community, delivered by EDINA on behalf of Jisc. SUNCAT enables researchers, students, librarians and others to locate serials held in libraries across the UK. The catalogue contains information on both print and electronic serials, including journals, periodicals, newspapers, newsletters, magazines, annual reports and other publications of a continuing nature.

 logo fuente academica


This full-text database offers Spanish- and Portuguese-language academic content for researchers studying a broad range of disciplines. The extensive collection of scholarly journals and quality titles from Latin America, Portugal and Spain are readily available in PDF format.

logo academic search


A popular resource found in many scholarly settings worldwide, Academic Search Premier is a leading multidisciplinary research database. It provides acclaimed full-text journals, magazines and other valuable resources.


CAB International is a not-for-profit, international treaty organisation, dedicated to the dissemination of scientific knowledge. We produce two abstract databases in the applied life sciences: CAB Abstracts (agriculture, crop science, natural resources, animal and human sciences) and Global Health (dedicated to public health, food science and nutrition).


SHERPA RoMEO is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis. RoMEO is a Jisc service and has collaborative relationships with many international partners, who contribute time and effort to developing and maintaining the service.