Characterization of the tourist in World Heritage Cities: the case of Úbeda and Baeza

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Isabel Carrillo-Hidalgo
Juan Ignacio Pulido-Fernández
Ana Belén Mudarra-Fernández


Úbeda and Baeza were declared World Heritage Cities in 2003. Since then, tourism in these cities has become a key activity for their economy and the number of arrivals has increased by more than fifty percent. The management of any World Heritage City requires an in-depth knowledge of the tourist who visits it from different perspectives: socio-demographic and psychological variables of the tourist, characteristics of the trip, activities carried out in the destination, satisfaction with the resources of this, as well as the tourist expenditure during the trip and the budget from which he departs. Specifically, in the case of Ubeda and Baeza, it has been possible to verify that the profile of the tourist who visits them coincides roughly with the profile of the tourist that goes to other World Heritage Cities, established in the scientific literature, differing mainly in more specific variables related to the destination and the tourist's own personality. The results achieved provide very useful information for managers and policymakers of the World Heritage Cities, who can adapt their tourist offer to the tourist who visits them.


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Carrillo-Hidalgo, I., Pulido-Fernández, J. I., & Mudarra-Fernández, A. B. (2019). Characterization of the tourist in World Heritage Cities: the case of Úbeda and Baeza. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (81).


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