Measuring creativity in urban-cultural Spanish destinations

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Juan Ignacio Pulido-Fernández
José Antonio García Suárez
Jairo Casado-Montilla
Beatriz Rodríguez-Díaz


This article proposes a methodology which measures the creativity weight in urban cultural tourism destinations. For this purpose, in this work an aggregated synthetic index is employed, based on DP2 distance index. This index, called Creacity, when applied to tourism cultural cities, allows knowing how creative these local systems are through three main areas: spatial, environmental and institutional. Stemming from general and partial indicators, some creative matrix are established for each studied area, what determine the creative advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed systems. The choice of the different variables that compose Creacity is obtained from the analysis of the divergent thought, addressing the idea of creative city and its adaptation to tourism. The index has been countersigned by a panel of experts through the Delphi method. The results expose the importance of creative classes and the existence of an environment of tolerance, quality of life and civic participation where cultural and creative spaces are located to foster the creativity development.


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Pulido-Fernández, J. I., García Suárez, J. A., Casado-Montilla, J., & Rodríguez-Díaz, B. (2021). Measuring creativity in urban-cultural Spanish destinations. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (89).


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