How much inequality in exposure to high PM10 pollution is too much to be considered environmentally unfair? An assessment for vulnerable groups in two major Spanish cities

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Antonio Moreno Jiménez
Rosa Cañada Torrecilla
María Jesús Vidal Domínguez
Antonio Palacios García


Inequality in the environmental conditions or burden (negative externalities, hazards, discomfort, etc.) between places and people is an issue of growing interest. Many of works, using a variety of approaches, conclude that there is often discrimination and injustice. However, from the public decision-making and governance perspective, one question needs a clear answer: how much inequality is there? Is this too much, and therefore unfair, and does it justify public action? This paper looks at this question in a case study on the threat posed by air pollution in Madrid and Barcelona (Spain), by examining the spatial distribution of several vulnerable population groups and their potential exposure to high concentrations of PM10 in the atmosphere, and using an affordable method involving GIS and statistical techniques. Adopting an explicitly impartial operating criterion makes it possible to measure the amount of inequality for each population group and determine more objectively if it significantly exceeds the baseline criterion. This would make it more accurate for citizens and decision-makers alike to better assess the possible inequities.


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Moreno Jiménez, A., Cañada Torrecilla, R., Martínez Suárez, P., Vidal Domínguez, M. J., & Palacios García, A. (2022). How much inequality in exposure to high PM10 pollution is too much to be considered environmentally unfair? An assessment for vulnerable groups in two major Spanish cities. Boletín De La Asociación Española De Geografía, (92).


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