Urban axes in the process of gentrification: the Franklin neighborhood, Santiago de Chile as a commercial melting pot and tourism promoter
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The present work focuses on Barrio Franklin, in Santiago de Chile, it is studied as a multifunctional urban complex, due to (1) The dynamics of change that it has suffered throughout its existence (2) the important transformation that it has experienced in its land use (3) is a historic center that acts as a commercial and tourist melting pot. The problem lies in the controversy that the neighborhood generates because it is subject to a gentrification process and that despite this it functions as a commercial melting pot and tourism promoter, which is why the main objective of analyzing the gentrification process in the one in which the Franklin neighborhood is immersed. To achieve the objective, a methodology is used based on a background review and an on-site photographic survey specifically in commercial and tourist warehouses that allows direct and participatory observation of the case. It is concluded that the gentrification process generates controversy but that it is a process capable of promoting the positive transformation of a community by integrating residential, commercial and tourist functions, generating an urban space that promotes economic development and that could be a promoter of social coexistence.
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