Legal compliance in spatial and urban planning: myth or reality? A comparative analysis of Bulgaria and Poland
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The discussion regarding the role of law in spatial planning poses a complex challenge, given the varying general understanding of its purpose across different planning systems. Divergence in how legislators address spatial planning values, ranging from procedural provisions to the broader incorporation of values and principles into the legal framework, introduces challenges in linking legal perspectives with planning instruments and practices. This article explores the impact of the legal framework on local spatial planning practices, with a specific focus on a comparative analysis between two countries: Bulgaria and Poland. The study considers similarities and shared challenges in both systems, including issues related to the adoption of comprehensive spatial plans, fragmentation in urban planning activities, and subjective interpretation of regulations. Emphasis is placed on the lack of coordination among diverse legal acts in both contexts, underscoring the significance of a comprehensive legislative review to achieve greater coherence and administrative efficiency. Legal ambiguity and fragmented planning emerge as crucial challenges in fostering more effective spatial practices in these countries
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